A Simple CORS Proxy

This site provides a simple, no-warranty, as-is, use-at-your-own-risk CORS Proxy for experimenation and development purposes. You can pass through a request from your JavaScript application to any API server by prepending the URL http://rashrewind.com/proxy.php?csurl= to your API request.

This service is intended to proxy RESTful API calls expecting a JSON response.

Some Examples

Build Your Own

Try it yourself: Paste the URL for your RESTful API call below. Be sure the API URL begins with http:// or https://.


Please Note: The service provided here is purely for experimentation and temporary. It may go away at any time. You can fork the code that powers this site on Github. If you intend to use a CORS Proxy in your ongoing project, please deploy your own version of this code.

This site does not store any user data or information about the requests that are proxied.